Dioceses of Fredericton
The Anglican Church of Canada

Calendar of Events

Parish of Richmond e-News

By God's grace, building a loving and caring community wherever we are.

Contacting the Rev Maria Shepherdson:

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 Contacting parish officers:

25 July 2024

“Not only with our lips but in our lives”

Services This Sunday
July 28, 2024
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
Alter Colors:  Green

  • 9:00 AM - Communion Service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hartland, NB

  • 11:00 AM - Communion Prayer Service at Christ Church Anglican Church, Lower Woodstock, NB

  • Find Sunday Bible readings at [link]

Services This Wednesday
July 31, 2024

  • 7:00 PM - Taizé Evening Prayer at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Jackson Falls, NB

On most days the rector offers a brief morning prayer time live at 8:30 AM (and viewable at any time later). See Parish of Richmond and Woodstock - YouTube

Among those we uphold in prayer:  Alice, Allen, Betty, Cecil, Christine, Cole, Connie, Debbie, Doris, Frankie, George, Græme, Helen, Ivan, Joyce, Lawrence, Lynn, Melba, Michelle, Murray, Nadine, Nicole, Peggy, Phyllis, Ronald, Shawn, Sheldon, Shelley, Shirley, Steven, Tara

Please advise Pat Margison (506-328-8146) of name deletions as well as name additions.

Whom do you know in hospital?  There’s a convenient way to get a cheery greeting to the hospitalized.  The hospital delivers it.  Parishioners receiving these notes have mentioned how important they are.  Check out:  [Link]

Kindly remember the Food Bank when you shop.

This coming week’s birthdays: Sandra Black

Anniversary: Ronald & Sandra Black

Have you checked the parish’s Facebook page lately? The Anglican Parish of Richmond, Diocese of Fredericton | Facebook

On Saturday (27 July) there will be an Open Doors afternoon at Holy Trinity, Hartland, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Trained guides, and (probably) over-the-top flowers.

Once again this summer the eye-catching showplace of Woodstock’s Main Street is a gorgeous garden on St Luke’s steps.  It’s been repeated for many summers.  This exuberant display is undertaken as an annual memorial to Holy Trinity’s Murial Palin (1926-2011) by her daughter, Mary Whiteway.

Today -- this morning (Thursday 25 July) -- the Do Drop Inn social gathering is in operation at the Richmond Parish Centre, 10:00 AM - Noon.  All invited to look in. (Notice attached banner photo.)

Note that on this coming Sunday (28 July), public worship in the parish will be at Holy Trinity, 9:00 AM (note time).  Note also that this will be Holy Trinity’s annual Flower Sunday.  Attenders are invited to go out into the fields, gardens, line fences and roadside ditches of our neighbourhoods to find floral offerings to adorn the house of worship.  Humble or grand, flowers or grasses:  All are invited.  Parade to follow.

Faith & Felting meets at the Rectory in the afternoons (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) and evenings (7:30 PM - 9:00 PM) of Tuesdays 6 & 13 August.  Learn to needle and wet felt while talking about faith matters.  Room for 8 - 10 people each session.  Cool basement.  Contact the rector.

Camp Medley is opening a campaign to build a much-needed new swimming pool.  The current one is decades past its projected life.  The camp is looking for 100 Anglicans able to pledge $100 a month to the project across the next two years.  Presumably this would cover the cost of technical planning.  John Galbraith, Medley’s director, is an impressive visionary.  See the story and the pledge form in this week’s Diocesan e-News:

New Brunswick’s Christian Ashram meets at Brown’s Flat (lower St John River) on 8 11 August.  This year’s guest evangelist is Gordon Thompson, formerly rector of Newcastle.  For details, see New Brunswick Christian Ashram ( and speak with Cindy Derksen.

Last night the halls of Zion (St. Mark’s version) were crowded to an extent reminiscent of pre-covid days.  The rector assembled a moving and informative presentation on the life of a modern sinner/saint, and the Martin Boys not only led the singing but seemed fascinated by what they were learning.  As were we all.

Next Wednesday’s Evening Prayer will follow the taizé pattern. Taizé evening prayer is a simple, meditative form of worship, calling us to dwell deeply on Christ's presence around and within us.

Lives of the Saints Richmond service schedule 100 years ago

This week’s flashback comes from the Rev W. Bernard Waddington (1893-1975), who served Richmond for a couple of years in the 1920s. Waddington’s printed schedule for 1923-24 [attached] shows how allocating Sabbath labours among four scattered communities was even more complicated a century ago than it is today, and with far better reason. He had a telephone, but undoubtedly he made his rounds by horse. Annual stipend was supposed to be $1000.


Richmond Next Sunday
Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Alter Colors: 
  • Communion at Holy Trinity (9:00 AM) and Christ Church (11:00 AM)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

  • Evening Prayer Service at St. Mark's (7:00 PM)


Parish Outreach:

Used eye-glasses?  There is a depository at Progressive Credit Union, Richmond Street, Woodstock.

To join the 1000+ people who already subscribed to the diocese’s Tuesday evening e-newsletter, visit the eNews section of



For many details of activities and lots of photos, join the Facebook page of the “Anglican Parish of Richmond and view the parish website at