Calendar of Events
Parish of Richmond e-News
Contacting the Rev Maria Shepherdson:
Contacting e-News:
Contacting parish officers:
13 February 2025
“Not only with our lips but in our lives”
Services This Sunday
February 16, 2025
The SIXth Sunday After The Epiphany
Altar Colors: Green
9:00 AM - Morning Prayer Service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hartland, NB [view bulletin]
10:30 AM - Sunday School Field Trip to St. Luke's
11:00 AM - Communion Service at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Woodstock, NB
Find Bible readings at [link]
9:00 AM - Communion Service at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Jackson Falls, NB
On most days the rector offers a brief morning prayer time live at 8:30 AM (and viewable at any time later). See Parish of Richmond and Woodstock - YouTube
Among those we uphold in prayer: Allen, Cole, Connie, Debbie, Doris, Ivan, Joyce, Lawrence, Lynn, Melba, Michelle, Nadine, Nancy, Peggy, Ronnie, Rosanne, Shirley, Steven
Please advise Pat Margison (506-328-8146) of name deletions as well as name additions.
Whom do you know in hospital? There’s a convenient way to get a cheery greeting to the hospitalized. The hospital delivers it. Parishioners receiving these notes have mentioned how important they are. Check out: [Link]
This coming week’s birthdays: Betty Haynes
Food Bank
fill those boxes
and show gratitude to God by sharing with our
neighbour the blessings we have been given.
Have you checked the parish’s Facebook page lately? The Anglican Parish of Richmond, Diocese of Fredericton | Facebook
Forthcoming events ~
- Saturday 1 March: Richmond annual meeting at the Parish Centre, 10:00 AM
- Tuesday, 4 March: St. Luke's pancake supper)
- Friday 7 March: World Day of Prayer service (with Debec UCC) at the Richmond Parish Centre (7:00 PM) preceded by a potluck supper (6:00 PM)
- Saturday 26 April: Dream with God parish visioning, Richmond Parish Centre, 10:00 AM.
Again this year staff in the Synod Office in Fredericton and folk in
several parishes throughout NB are participating in the
Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser. It takes place
Saturday night, 22 February. General details are at [link].
To help the Synod office
raise funds for the John Howard Society’s work with the
homeless and vulnerable, pledge at [link]. One
can support an individual participant or the whole team.
Should Canadian religious organizations lose their right to issue tax receipts? A parliamentary committee thinks so: [link]. Should parishes retain their favoured tax status only to the extent they do what is socially useful?
When Bonhoeffer writes “The Cost of Discipleship” in 1937, he makes distinctions between grace that is cheap and grace that is costly. Cheap grace demands that God “forgive us our sins,” without any reciprocal demands that we forgive those who sin against us. Costly grace, on the other hand yokes us–aligns us, calls us, marries us–to the costly way of Christ. How are we to understand the way of Christ? Bonhoeffer puts it starkly: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” [link]
February 23,
SEVENth Sunday After The Epiphany
9:00 AM - Morning Prayer Service at St. Mark's
9:00 AM - Morning Prayer Service at Holy Trinity
9:30 AM - Communion Service at St. John's
11:00 AM - Communion Service at St. Luke's
Parish Outreach:
There is a depository at Progressive Credit Union, Richmond Street,
To join the 1000+ people who already subscribed to the diocese’s Tuesday evening e-newsletter, visit the eNews section of