Dioceses of Fredericton
The Anglican Church of Canada

Calendar of Events

Parish of Richmond e-News

By God's grace, building a loving and caring community wherever we are.

Contacting the Rev Maria Shepherdson:

Contacting e-News:

 Contacting parish officers:

11 July 2024

“Not only with our lips but in our lives”

Services This Sunday
July 14, 2024
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Alter Colors:  Green

  • 9:00 AM - Communion Service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Hartland, NB

  • 10:30 AM - Morning Prayer Service at St. John's Anglican Church, Richmond Corner, NB

  • 11:00 AM - Communion Service at Christ Church Anglican Church, Lower Woodstock, NB

  • Find Sunday Bible readings at [link]

Services This Wednesday
July 17, 2024

  • 7:00 PM - Communion Service at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Jackson Falls, NB

On most days the rector offers a brief morning prayer time live at 8:30 AM (and viewable at any time later). See Parish of Richmond and Woodstock - YouTube

Among those we uphold in prayer:  Alice, Allen, Cecil, Christine, Cole, Connie, Debbie, Doris, Frankie, George, Græme, Helen, Ivan, Joyce, Lawrence, Lynn, Melba, Michelle, Murray, Nadine, Nicole, Peggy, Phyllis, Ronald, Shawn, Sheldon, Shelley, Shirley, Steven, Tara

Please advise Pat Margison (506-328-8146) of name deletions as well as name additions.

Whom do you know in hospital?  There’s a convenient way to get a cheery greeting to the hospitalized.  The hospital delivers it.  Parishioners receiving these notes have mentioned how important they are.  Check out:  [Link]

“Then the saintly will say to him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or you were thirsty and we gave you drink?’ And the King replied and told them, ‘I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that.’ Kindly remember the Food Bank when you shop.

Have you checked the parish’s Facebook page lately? The Anglican Parish of Richmond, Diocese of Fredericton | Facebook

On Saturday (13 July) there will be an Open Doors afternoon at Holy Trinity, Hartland, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Trained guides, and (probably) over-the-top flowers.

With sorrow, we learn of the death of Meghann Palmer. For all of her 40 years she fought a battle to breathe. Many community groups raised funds to assist her, among them this parish.

Parish Prayer Time returns on Monday 15 July at St. John’s, 6:30 PM. All welcome to listen, share and pray.

Faith & Felting meets at the Rectory in the afternoons (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) and evenings (7:30 PM - 9:00 PM) of these Tuesdays: 23 July, 6 & 13 August.  Learn to needle and wet felt while talking about faith matters.  MAX room for 8 - 10 people each session.  Nice cool basement.  Contact the rector.

We understand that a grant from the Diocesan Synod will enable provision of portable wheelchair ramps for Christ Church, Holy Trinity & St. Mark’s.

New Brunswick’s Christian Ashram meets at Brown’s Flat (lower St John River) on 8 11 August.  This year’s guest evangelist is Gordon Thompson, formerly rector of Newcastle.  For details, see New Brunswick Christian Ashram ( and speak with Cindy Derksen.

Lives of the Saints – ideal for Richmond

20 May 1959: “If he [Edward Spencer] is to be the ideal country parson he must stress evangelism, house to house visiting and a spiritual witness, but he must also have a respectable garden so that he can have his finger in the rural problems.”


Richmond Next Sunday
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Alter Colors: 
  • Communion at St. John's (10:30 AM); Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (9:00 AM) and Christ Church (11:00 AM)

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

  • Songs of Praise at St. Mark's (7:00 PM)


Parish Outreach:

Used eye-glasses?  There is a depository at Progressive Credit Union, Richmond Street, Woodstock.

To join the 1000+ people who already subscribed to the diocese’s Tuesday evening e-newsletter, visit the eNews section of



For many details of activities and lots of photos, join the Facebook page of the “Anglican Parish of Richmond and view the parish website at